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US Consumer Confidence Pulled Back in August


The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® declined in August to 106.1 (1985=100), from a downwardly revised 114.0 in July. The Present Situation Index—based on consumers' assessment of current business and labor market conditions—fell to 144.8 (1985=100) from 153.0. The Expectations Index— based on consumers' short-term outlook for income, business, and labor market conditions—declined to 80.2 (1985=100) in August, reversing July's sharp uptick to 88.0. Expectations were a hair above 80—the level that historically signals a recession within the next year. Although consumer fears of an impending recession ... (full story)

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US: CB Consumer Confidence Index declines to 106.1 in August


Consumer sentiment in the US deteriorated in August, with the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index falling to 106.1 from 114.0 (revised from 117.0) in July. Alongside the CB Consumer Confidence data, the JOLTS Job Openings report was released. The US Dollar Index lost ground falling toward daily lows under 104.00. (full story)

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