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Job Openings and Labor Turnover – July 2023


The number of job openings edged down to 8.8 million on the last business day of July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations changed little at 5.8 million and 5.5 million, respectively. Within separations, quits (3.5 million) decreased, while layoffs and discharges (1.6 million) changed little. This release includes estimates of the number and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector, by industry, and by establishment size class. On the last business day of July, the number of job openings edged down to 8.8 ... (full story)

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Job openings fall to lowest level in more than two years


The number of job openings in the United States decreased to 8.8 million in July, the lowest level it has been in more than two years. The new numbers, which look at openings across all sectors for that month, were released as part of the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, which was updated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Tuesday. The decrease is notable and marks the lowest level of job openings since March 2021. The decline is also notable because most economists had actually expected job openings to tick up a bit in July after tumbling the month before. The falling number of openings is a sign that the ... (full story)

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